What is the NAICS code for crude oil?

Search results for: crude oil into NAICS Codes

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Search results for: crude oil

In our database of NAICS Codes there are 22 business, comercials or industrial activities related with your query: crude oil

If you want, you can click on the code column to see all the activities that belong to that NAICS code.

211120Crude petroleum from oil sand
211120Crude petroleum from oil shale
211120Oil field development for own account
211120Oil field exploration for own account
211120Oil shale mining and/or beneficiating
211120Shale, oil, mining and/or beneficiating
211120Stripper oil well production
311221Corn oil, crude and refined, made by wet milling corn
311221Crude corn oil manufacturing
311221Oil, corn crude and refined, made by wet milling corn
311224Soybean oil, crude, manufacturing
311710Cod liver oil extraction, crude, processing
324110Crude oil refining
325194Pine oil manufacturing
325194Tall oil (except skimmings) manufacturing
424710Crude oil terminals, merchant wholesalers
424720Crude oil merchant wholesalers (except bulk stations, terminals)
486110Booster pumping station, crude oil transportation
486110Crude oil pipeline transportation
486110Petroleum pipelines, crude
486110Pipeline transportation, crude oil
486990Pipeline transportation (except crude oil, natural gas, refined petroleum products)

The data on this website has been obtained from the NAICS - Census Bureau.
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