Six digit Codes from NAICS for Sector Code 52

In this page you can find the whole list of six digit codes that belong to Sector code 52 related to Finance and Insurance

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List of industries for NAICS Sector 52

Are you looking for Industry Codes classified into Sector 52? There are 41 6-digit Codes.

Table of Six Digits NAICS Codes

In this table you have all six digit industry codes for Finance and Insurance. Press Code Number to view all activities of each industry.

521110Monetary Authorities-Central Bank
522110Commercial Banking
522120Savings Institutions
522130Credit Unions
522190Other Depository Credit Intermediation
522210Credit Card Issuing
522220Sales Financing
522291Consumer Lending
522292Real Estate Credit
522293International Trade Financing
522294Secondary Market Financing
522298All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation
522310Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers
522320Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
522390Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
523110Investment Banking and Securities Dealing
523120Securities Brokerage
523130Commodity Contracts Dealing
523140Commodity Contracts Brokerage
523210Securities and Commodity Exchanges
523910Miscellaneous Intermediation
523920Portfolio Management
523930Investment Advice
523991Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities
523999Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities
524113Direct Life Insurance Carriers
524114Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers
524126Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers
524127Direct Title Insurance Carriers
524128Other Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers
524130Reinsurance Carriers
524210Insurance Agencies and Brokerages
524291Claims Adjusting
524292Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds
524298All Other Insurance Related Activities
525110Pension Funds
525120Health and Welfare Funds
525190Other Insurance Funds
525910Open-End Investment Funds
525920Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts
525990Other Financial Vehicles

NAICS Hierarchy for Finance and Insurance Sector

You can see the complete structure of the Industry Sector Code 52 until 5-digit level.

The data on this website has been obtained from the NAICS - Census Bureau.
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