What NAICS business category is steel iron?

Search results for: steel iron into NAICS Codes

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Search results for: steel iron

In our database of NAICS Codes there are 145 business, comercials or industrial activities related with your query: steel iron

If you want, you can click on the code column to see all the activities that belong to that NAICS code.

238120Iron work, structural, contractors
238120Structural steel erecting or iron work contractors
238190Decorative steel and wrought iron work installation
331110Armor plate made in iron and steel mills
331110Axles, rolled or forged, made in iron and steel mills
331110Balls, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Bars, concrete reinforcing (rebar) made in steel mills
331110Bars, iron, made in iron and steel mills
331110Bars, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Billets, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Blackplate made in iron and steel mills
331110Blast furnaces
331110Blooms, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Car wheels, rolled steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Coke oven products made in iron and steel mills
331110Concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) made in iron and steel mills
331110Direct reduction of iron ore
331110Electrometallurgical ferroalloy manufacturing
331110Electrometallurgical steel manufacturing
331110Fence posts, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Ferroalloys manufacturing
331110Ferrochromium manufacturing
331110Ferromanganese manufacturing
331110Ferromolybdenum manufacturing
331110Ferrophosphorus manufacturing
331110Ferrosilicon manufacturing
331110Ferrotitanium manufacturing
331110Ferrotungsten manufacturing
331110Ferrovanadium manufacturing
331110Flakes, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Flats, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Forgings, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Frogs, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Galvanizing metals and metal formed products made in iron and steel mills
331110Gun forgings made in iron and steel mills
331110High percentage nonferrous alloying elements (i.e., ferroalloys) manufacturing
331110Hoops made in iron and steel mills
331110Hoops, galvanized, made in iron and steel mills
331110Hot-rolling iron or steel products in iron and steel mills
331110Ingot made in iron and steel mills
331110Iron ore recovery from open hearth slag
331110Iron sinter made in iron and steel mills
331110Iron, pig, manufacturing
331110Manganese metal ferroalloys manufacturing
331110Mesh, wire, made in iron and steel mills
331110Mini-mills, steel
331110Molybdenum silicon ferroalloys manufacturing
331110Nut rods, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Paste, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Pig iron manufacturing
331110Pilings, iron or steel plain sheet, made in iron and steel mills
331110Pipe, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Plate, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Powder, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Rail joints and fastenings made in iron and steel mills
331110Railroad crossings, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Rails rerolled or renewed in iron and steel mills
331110Rails, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Rods, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Rounds, tube, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Sheet pilings, plain, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Sheets, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Shell slugs, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Silicomanganese ferroalloys manufacturing
331110Skelp, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Slab, steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Spiegeleisen ferroalloys manufacturing
331110Spike rods made in iron and steel mills
331110Sponge iron
331110Stainless steel made in iron and steel mills
331110Steel balls made in iron and steel mills
331110Steel manufacturing
331110Steel mill products (e.g., bar, plate, rod, sheet, structural shapes) manufacturing
331110Steel mills
331110Steel, from pig iron, manufacturing
331110Strip, galvanized iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Strip, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Structural shapes, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Superalloys, iron or steel, manufacturing
331110Template, made in iron and steel mills, manufacturing
331110Terneplate made in iron and steel mills
331110Ternes, iron or steel, long or short, made in iron and steel mills
331110Tie plates, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Tin-free steel made in iron and steel mills
331110Tinplate made in iron and steel mills
331110Tool steel made in iron and steel mills
331110Tube rounds, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Tube, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Tubing, seamless steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Tubing, wrought iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Well casings, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Wheels, car and locomotive, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Wire products, iron or steel, made in iron and steel mills
331110Wrought iron or steel pipe and tubing made in iron and steel mills
331210Boiler tubes, wrought, made from purchased iron
331210Conduit, welded and lock joint, made from purchased iron or steel
331210Pipe (e.g., heavy riveted, lock joint, seamless, welded) made from purchased iron or steel
331210Tube (e.g., heavy riveted, lock joint, seamless, welded) made from purchased iron or steel
331210Tubing, mechanical and hypodermic sizes, cold-drawn stainless steel, made from purchased steel
331210Well casings (e.g., heavy riveted, lock joint, welded, wrought) made from purchased iron or steel
331221Corrugating iron or steel in cold rolling mills made from purchased iron or steel
331221Ferrous metal powder, paste, and flake made from purchased iron or steel
331221Flakes made from purchased iron or steel
331221Metal powder and flake made from purchased iron or steel
331221Nut rods, iron or steel, made in cold rolling mills
331221Paste made from purchased iron or steel
331221Powder made from purchased iron or steel
331222Baskets, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Brads, iron or steel, wire or cut, made in wire drawing plants
331222Cable, iron or steel, insulated or armored, made in wire drawing plants
331222Chain link fencing, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Drawing iron or steel wire from purchased iron or steel
331222Drawing iron or steel wire from purchased iron or steel and fabricating wire products
331222Fence gates, posts, and fittings, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Horseshoe nails, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Nails, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Paper clips, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Spikes, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Staples, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Tacks, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Welded iron or steel wire fabric made in wire drawing plants
331222Wire cages, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Wire carts (e.g., grocery, household, industrial), iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Wire cloth, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Wire garment hangers, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Wire products, iron or steel, made in wire drawing plants
331222Wire, iron or steel (e.g., armored, bare, insulated), made in wire drawing plants
331511Industrial molds, steel ingot, manufacturing
331511Molds for casting steel ingots manufacturing
331511Molds, steel ingot, industrial, manufacturing
332111Cold forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Drop forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Ferrous forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Gun forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Hammer forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Horseshoes, ferrous forged, made from purchased iron or steel
332111Hot forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Iron forgings made from purchased iron, unfinished
332111Press forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332111Steel forgings made from purchased steel, unfinished
332111Upset forgings made from purchased iron or steel, unfinished
332996Wrought iron or steel pipe and tubing made from purchased metal pipe
423390Iron and steel architectural shapes merchant wholesalers
423510Galvanized iron and steel products merchant wholesalers

The data on this website has been obtained from the NAICS - Census Bureau.
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