In our database of NAICS Codes there are 28 business, comercials or industrial activities related with your query: ice cream
If you want, you can click on the code column to see all the activities that belong to that NAICS code.
Code | Industry |
311514 | Ice cream mix manufacturing |
311514 | Mix, ice cream, manufacturing |
311520 | Custard, frozen, manufacturing |
311520 | Desserts, frozen (except bakery), manufacturing |
311520 | Frozen custard manufacturing |
311520 | Frozen desserts (except bakery) manufacturing |
311520 | Fruit pops, frozen, manufacturing |
311520 | Ice cream manufacturing |
311520 | Ice cream specialties manufacturing |
311520 | Ice milk manufacturing |
311520 | Ice milk specialties manufacturing |
311520 | Ices, flavored sherbets, manufacturing |
311520 | Juice pops, frozen, manufacturing |
311520 | Pudding pops, frozen, manufacturing |
311520 | Sherbets manufacturing |
311520 | Tofu frozen desserts manufacturing |
311520 | Yogurt, frozen, manufacturing |
311821 | Cones, ice cream, manufacturing |
311821 | Ice cream cones manufacturing |
332215 | Kitchen utensils, fabricated metal (e.g., colanders, garlic presses, ice cream scoops, spatulas), manufacturing |
333241 | Ice cream making machinery manufacturing |
333318 | Ice cream vending machines manufacturing |
424430 | Ice cream and ices merchant wholesalers |
424430 | Ice cream merchant wholesalers |
424490 | Ice cream cones merchant wholesalers |
445299 | Ice cream (i.e., packaged) stores |
722330 | Ice cream truck vendors |
722515 | Ice cream parlors |
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All sites from Julián Vida Barea
The data on this website has been obtained from the NAICS - Census Bureau.
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