What is the NAICS code for seed farming?

NAICS Codes related with seed farming

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NAICS Codes related with seed farming

In our database of NAICS Codes there are 110 business, comercials or industrial activities related with your query: seed farming

If you want, you can click on the code column to see all the activities that belong to that NAICS code.

111110Soybean farming, field and seed production
111120Canola farming, field and seed production
111120Flaxseed farming, field and seed production
111120Mustard seed farming, field and seed production
111120Oilseed farming (except soybean), field and seed production
111120Rapeseed farming, field and seed production
111120Safflower farming, field and seed production
111120Sesame farming, field and seed production
111120Sunflower farming, field and seed production
111130Bean farming, dry, field and seed production
111130Cowpea farming, dry, field and seed production
111130Garbanzo farming, dry, field and seed production
111130Lentil farming, dry, field and seed production
111130Lima bean farming, dry, field and seed production
111130Pea farming, dry, field and seed production
111140Wheat farming, field and seed production
111150Corn farming (except sweet corn), field and seed production
111150Popcorn farming, field and seed production
111160Rice (except wild rice) farming, field and seed production
111191Oilseed and grain combination farming, field and seed production
111199Barley farming, field and seed production
111199Milo farming, field and seed production
111199Oat farming, field and seed production
111199Rye farming, field and seed production
111199Sorghum farming, field and seed production
111199Wild rice farming, field and seed production
111211Potato farming, field and seed potato production
111211Sweet potato farming, field and seed potato production
111211Vegetable and melon farming, potato dominant crop, field and seed production
111211Vegetable and potato farming, potato dominant crop, field and seed potato production
111211Yam farming, field and seed production
111219Acorn squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Artichoke farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Asparagus farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Bean (except dry) farming, field and seed production
111219Beet farming (except sugar beets), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Broccoli farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Brussel sprout farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Butternut squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Cabbage farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Cantaloupe farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Carrot farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Casaba melon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Cassava farming, field and seed production
111219Cauliflower farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Celery farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Chinese pea farming, bedding plant and seed production
111219Chive farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Collard farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Cowpea (except dry) farming, field and seed production
111219Crenshaw melon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Cucumber farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Dill farming, field and seed production
111219Eggplant farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Endive farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219English pea farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Escarole farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Garlic farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Gingerroot farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Ginseng farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Green bean farming, field and seed production
111219Green cowpea farming, field and seed production
111219Green lima bean farming, field and seed production
111219Green pea farming, field and seed production
111219Honeydew melon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Kale farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Leek farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Lettuce farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Melon farming (e.g., cantaloupe, casaba, honeydew, watermelon), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Muskmelon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Okra farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Onion farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Parsley farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Parsnip farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Pea (except dry) farming, field and seed production
111219Pumpkin farming, field and seed production
111219Radish farming, field and seed production
111219Rhubarb farming, field and seed production
111219Romaine lettuce farming, field and seed production
111219Rutabaga farming, field and seed production
111219Shallot farming, field and seed production
111219Snap bean farming (i.e., bush and pole), field and seed production
111219Snow pea farming, field and seed production
111219Spaghetti squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Spinach farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Squash farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219String bean farming, field and seed production
111219Sweet corn farming, field and seed production
111219Sweet pepper farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Taro farming, field and seed production
111219Tomato farming (except under cover), field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Truck farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Turnip farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Vegetable and melon farming, vegetable (except potato) and melon dominant crops, field, bedding plants and seed production
111219Vegetable and potato farming, vegetable (except potato) dominant crops, field, bedding plants and seed production
111219Watermelon farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111219Zucchini farming, field, bedding plant and seed production
111910Tobacco farming, field and seed production
111920Cotton farming, field and seed production
111998Sorghum sudan seed farming
111998Alfalfa seed farming
111998Bentgrass seed farming
111998Bluegrass-Kentucky seed farming
111998Clover seed farming
111998Crimson cloves seed farming
111998Fescue seed farming
111998Grass seed farming
111998Hay seed farming
111998Orchard grass seed farming
111998Ryegrass seed farming

The data on this website has been obtained from the NAICS - Census Bureau.
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