In our database of NAICS Codes there are 15 business, comercials or industrial activities related with your query: seed crop
If you want, you can click on the code column to see all the activities that belong to that NAICS code.
Code | Industry |
111211 | Vegetable and melon farming, potato dominant crop, field and seed production |
111211 | Vegetable and potato farming, potato dominant crop, field and seed potato production |
111998 | Sorghum sudan seed farming |
111998 | Alfalfa seed farming |
111998 | Bentgrass seed farming |
111998 | Bluegrass-Kentucky seed farming |
111998 | Clover seed farming |
111998 | Crimson cloves seed farming |
111998 | Fescue seed farming |
111998 | Grass seed farming |
111998 | Hay seed farming |
111998 | Orchard grass seed farming |
111998 | Ryegrass seed farming |
115114 | Seed cleaning |
115114 | Seed processing, postharvest for propagation |
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All sites from Julián Vida Barea
The data on this website has been obtained from the NAICS - Census Bureau.
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