Industrial activities for NAICS Code 336310: Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing

Whole list of activities for 6-digit NAICS code 336310

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Activities from NAICS code 336310

NAICS code 336310 belongs to Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing industry and they have 26 activities.

Activities List for Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing Industry

  • Assembly line rebuilding of automotive and truck gasoline engines
  • Bearings (e.g., camshaft, crankshaft, connecting rod), automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Carburetors, all types, manufacturing
  • Connecting rods, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Crankshaft assemblies, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Cylinder heads, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Engine block assemblies, automotive and truck gasoline, manufacturing
  • Engine intake and exhaust valves manufacturing
  • Engines and parts (except diesel), automotive and truck, manufacturing
  • Flywheels and ring gears, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Fuel injection systems and parts, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Fuel pumps, mechanical, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Gasoline engine parts, mechanical, automotive and truck, manufacturing
  • Gasoline engines for hybrid automotive vehicles manufacturing
  • Gasoline engines, automotive and truck, manufacturing
  • Governors for automotive gasoline engines manufacturing
  • Internal combustion engines, automotive and truck gasoline, manufacturing
  • Manifolds (i.e., intake and exhaust), automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Pistons and piston rings manufacturing
  • Positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valves, engine, manufacturing
  • Pumps (e.g., fuel, oil, water), mechanical, automotive and truck gasoline engine (except power steering), manufacturing
  • Rebuilding automotive and truck gasoline engines
  • Rings, piston, manufacturing
  • Rocker arms and parts, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Timing gears and chains, automotive and truck gasoline engine, manufacturing
  • Valves, engine, intake and exhaust, manufacturing

NAICS Code 336310 Hierarchy

Topics related with code 336310

There are 32 words closely related with others activities of Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing industry.

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