Industrial activities for NAICS Code 313220: Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery

Whole list of activities for 6-digit NAICS code 313220

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Activities from NAICS code 313220

NAICS code 313220 belongs to Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery industry and they have 37 activities.

Activities List for Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery Industry

  • Apparel webbings manufacturing
  • Belting fabrics, narrow woven
  • Bias bindings, woven, manufacturing
  • Bindings, narrow woven, manufacturing
  • Braiding narrow fabrics
  • Cords and braids, narrow woven, manufacturing
  • Cotton fabrics, narrow woven weaving
  • Elastic fabrics, narrow woven, manufacturing
  • Embroideries, Schiffli machine, manufacturing
  • Fabrics, narrow woven, weaving
  • Fiberglasses, narrow woven, weaving
  • Fringes weaving
  • Glass fabrics, narrow woven weaving
  • Hand weaving fabric, 12 inches or less (30cm)
  • Hard fiber, narrow woven, weaving
  • Hook and loop fastener fabric manufacturing
  • Hose fabrics, tubular, weaving
  • Labels weaving
  • Laces (e.g., shoe), textile, manufacturing
  • Manmade fabric, narrow woven, weaving
  • Narrow fabrics weaving
  • Natural fiber fabrics (i.e., jute, linen, hemp, ramie), narrow woven, weaving
  • Paper fabric, narrow woven, weaving
  • Ribbons made in narrow woven fabric mills
  • Rubber thread and yarns, fabric covered, manufacturing
  • Schiffli machine embroideries manufacturing
  • Tapes weaving
  • Textile mills, narrow woven fabric
  • Textile narrow woven fabric mills
  • Textile products (except apparel) made in narrow woven fabric mills
  • Weaving and finishing narrow fabrics
  • Weaving fabric less than 12 inches (30cm)
  • Weaving narrow fabrics
  • Webbing weaving
  • Wicks manufacturing
  • Wool fabrics, narrow woven, weaving
  • Zipper tape weaving

NAICS Code 313220 Hierarchy

Topics related with code 313220

There are 32 words closely related with others activities of Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery industry.

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