List of activities for Local Messengers and Local Delivery Industry with NAICS Code 492210

Industrial activities related to Local Messengers and Local Delivery, which have the NAICS Code 492210

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What activities are related with NAICS code 492210?

NAICS code 492210 belongs to Local Messengers and Local Delivery industry and they have 7 activities.

Activities List for Local Messengers and Local Delivery Industry

  • Alcoholic beverage delivery service
  • Bicycle courier
  • Delivery service (except as part of intercity courier network, U.S. Postal Service)
  • Grocery delivery services (i.e., independent service from grocery store)
  • Local letter and parcel delivery services (except as part of intercity courier network, U.S. Postal Service)
  • Messenger service
  • Restaurant meals delivery services (i.e., independent delivery services)

NAICS Code 492210 Hierarchy

Topics related with code 492210

There are 10 words closely related with others activities of Local Messengers and Local Delivery industry.

The data on this website has been obtained from the NAICS - Census Bureau.
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